Thursday, April 25, 2024

What Is Lust?

Lust may be experienced as intense desire, ardent enthusiasm, or unbridled sexual longing. This passionate craving is attention directing and a motivational force as is the experience of any emotion. When untethered, lust can lead to actions that may...

How Control Could Be Killing Your Relationship

“We communicate worse than anyone I have ever seen. I thought my parents were bad…I never expected we would end up here. Every attempt I make to understand her is shot down with more criticism, hate, and blame than I think I’ve ever ...

Is it Jealousy or Envy?

Are you experiencing jealousy or envy? Mary Lamia, Ph.D. Are you craving attention from a person whose focus is on someone else? Do you desire attributes that are possessed by another? When you experience jealousy or envy, you have measured your...

How to Handle Passive Aggressive People

Passive aggression is a form of anger, except the anger is expressed with a smile instead of the typical expressions. Passive aggressive people are experts...

The Superpower of Recognizing Emotions

Most of us have experienced painful emotions in life. We have felt feelings we would prefer not to feel. Emotions such as sadness and fear often feel very uncomfortable: they cause our bodies to feel sensations like tightening in the chest and throat, ...

Inner Compass: Tuning In

As we learned in my last post Inner Compass: Inner Child, emotions can help us make choices by giving us a vital compass that tells us where to go and who to get involved with. If we follow the directions of our inner compass, then we can make cho...

What Me Worry?: Why Worrying Does More Harm Than Good

Worry is a natural part of the human condition. It has historically played a vital role in our survival and it helps us cope with many of the challenges we face today. At the same time, worry that is too intense, too frequent, and too unrelenting can d...

What is the Best Emotion?

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about what I thought was the worst possible emotion. There are certainly enough worthy aspirants including hate, anger, and sadness. But I felt regret was the winner (or should I say loser) because its causes c...

One Simple Tool To Work With Anxiety

Anxiety is a tricky emotion. It is a fearful response to an imagined situation, a self-imposed deadline, or a hoped-for outcome that is not coming to fruition as quickly as planned. Or it is a response to a perceived threat that may or may not manife...

Inner Compass: Inner Child

Emotions can help us make choices by giving us a vital compass that tells us where to go and who to get involved with. If we follow the directions of our inner compass, then we can make choices that feel authentic, enthusiastic, and sustainable. Imagin...

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